Couples Therapy
We provide a safe space to understand what may be happening, respect different perspectives, and to find a path forward through connection and communication
Couples therapy can be a wonderfully enriching process for any relationship, not just those couples who are experiencing difficulties. It can deepen connection and love, help develop the relationship towards new stages and facilitate getting to know yourself and your partner on previously unknown levels.
That being said, more often than not it is the couples who are struggling who enter couples therapy. These couples often feel like they have exhausted various approaches that they have explored between themselves and could benefit from the help of a professional. For these couples making the decision to enter couples therapy does not come lightly. Such courage should be acknowledged because as rewarding and healing as the process can be, it can also be challenging to address the systemic issues within the relationship.
Couples who benefit most from couples therapy are those who enter it with curiosity; an awareness that each individual has been playing a role in co-creating the difficulties and thus each needs to take personal responsibility for their role; and a willingness to step outside of the comfort zone to make meaningful and long lasting changes.
Here at the Bodart Practice we work with couples who are struggling with various issues. This could be:
Managing transitions
Struggling to make decisions over things like having children, getting married and relocation
Wider family issues
Deciding whether to stay together or not
We provide 50 minute sessions for couples either on a weekly or fortnightly basis depending on your current needs.
Please enquire below for more details.